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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator
Six simple steps to raise a child with high self-esteem
When I ask parents what they really want for their children, most of them answer: I just want her/him to have HIGH SELF-ESTEEM! I...
New Beginnings
September 1st is right around the corner, and for lots of children (and parents) this is A NEW BEGINNING… A few tips on how to help...
This is Us
This is Us – With our two teenagers, one 10-years-old (that behaves like a 17-years-old) and our 2 dogs. I have been trying to be the...
Children see, Children do
Don't tell your children to be polite – Show them how you speak kindly to others. Don’t tell your children to share – Make sure they see...
We all know those challenging moments we say “no” to our child, or things don’t exactly turn out like she/he had in mind, and here starts...
“Couples counseling” becomes “divorce counseling” when we wait too long…
The average couple waits 6 years before seeking help for marital issues. (The Gottman Institute) Unfortunately “couples counseling”...
What is damaging to your relationship?
The Gottman Institute identified 4 communication styles, that are extremely damaging to relationships, and actually predict with great...
The Quality of our Relationships
“The Harvard Grant Study – The longest longitudinal study ever undertaken (for more than 75 years) – concludes that the key to a happier...
Parenting Differences
All parents have parenting differences. A few guidelines on how to restrain those sometimes-complex situations: My favorite rule is “one...
Which kind of partner are you?
"Be the kind of partner you want your kid to have as their own partner one day" is probably the best advice I received from my own...
Do the best you can!
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better” Maya Angelou Parenting is a process, a very long journey...
How do I parent my teenager??
Parents of teens sometimes feel confused, helpless, or “what used to work, doesn’t work anymore….”!! We definitely need to recalculate...
Let's get married
“Let's get married and have kids so instead of a lazy Saturday morning we can panic because a sports uniform didn't get put in the...
What you focus on grows
Your child is a “fussy” eater… Focus on what he DOES eat and the few things he does ENJOY eating. Your children fight “all the time”…...
Quality Time
Lots of parenting experts use the term "quality time" or “one-on-one dates” with children… But instead of taking your child once a week...
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