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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator
For Things to Change, YOU must Change
Yes making changes in your parenting IS HARD WORK, but it will be beneficial on the long run. Parenting is taking care of “the long run”...
Five interesting Facts about my work as an Adlerian Parenting Coach:
1. MEN particularly connect to the Adlerian approach, because it’s a very practical and logical method, with lots of explanations on how...
How does your Child feel at Home?
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou...
What can you do NOW for your Teenager?
“One day your child will make a mistake or a bad choice and run to you, instead of away from you, and in that moment you will know the...
Prepare your Child for Life
We cannot protect our children from life. Therefore, it is essential that we prepare them for it – Rudolf Dreikurs How do I “prepare my...
Emphasize the Positive
When you keep criticizing your kids, they don’t stop loving you, they stop loving themselves. According to the Adlerian theory criticism...
Is it time to ditch the Diapers?
4 tips: 1. READINESS – We start the process of potty training when OUR CHILD is ready (and not when WE think it’s a good time). How do we...
Boundaries are Love
When you set firm boundaries to your children, you are telling them: You can go up until here, because over there it is dangerous, and I...
Focus on what you can control – YOURSELF!
Remember, you can always control YOUR RESPONSE to a situation, or to your child. How? By preparing ahead of time! 1. Prepare YOUR CHILD...
It all starts with US
Parents come to me because their child is misbehaving, hitting, pushing, “just not listening”, nagging all the time, too sensitive, too...
Children are great Imitators
How much time are you spending on screens? How do you care about your body? Do you always say hello to your neighbors? How do you handle...
A misbehaving Child....
"A Misbehaving Child is a Discouraged Child" (Richard Dreikurs) I have written a lot on the importance of ENCOURAGEMENT, and its...
Don't make your Children's lives easy
Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy. Robert A. Heinlein We love our children so much, and we certainly want them to...
It's about the Relationships in a Family
So many parents ask me about the PRINCIPLES I work with…? Parental coaching is mostly about OUR DAILY LIVES as parents, and about THE...
Does One Size really fits all in Parenting?
Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do. Matt Walsh Breastfeed...
Allow your Children to fail
It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings....
Teaching Independence
ONE SIMPLE RULE : “Never do for a child what he can do for himself” (Rudolf Dreikurs) Do not feed a child that is able to eat on its own....
That's how the Light gets in
“There’s a Crack in Everything, that’s how the Light gets in” (Leonard Cohen) Parenting is about looking for, and seeing all the small...
Are "Terrible Twos" that terrible?
What happens to my sweet little baby at age two?!?!? The professional term is “SEPARATION”…. But simply put it, at that age children...
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