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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator
Time Out?
Mommy / Daddy, when you put me in time-out I feel so lonely….. I feel alone in the whole world, because YOU are MY WORLD, and when you...
Can we teach Children to be Happy?
5 questions to ask your children to encourage them be more optimistic and confident about life: 1. Tell me something good that happened...
Sex Education
Smartphones, pornography and violence are unfortunately linked today…. By the end of third grade (age 8) 75% of the Israeli children have...
My Parenting Book Recommendations
My Personal parenting Book Recommendations are not all classical “parenting books”, however they are all in tune with what I believe in,...
New Beginnings - Back to School
If your child is enrolling in a new gan, or to first grade, this is for you!!! I compiled 4 tips for “the big start”: 1. START COUNTING...
What do Siblings fight about so much?
They fight over “property” – toys, tablets, the remote control… They fight about space – I was sitting here, this is my spot, this is my...
4 Mistakes when Potty Training
I decided to potty train my eldest son before I became a parenting coach. I thought: This shouldn’t be a big deal, everybody does it… I...
Raising Boys
I’m a mom of boys, a mother of three boys, with close age gaps. Having a child every 2 years means I haven’t slept through the night for...
How much do your Kids fight?
Siblings from 2 to 4 years old fight every 9.5 minutes, and siblings from 3 to 7 years old fight an average of once every 17 minutes…....
“Don't bother educating your Children...."
“Don't bother educating your children, in the end they will be like you. Educate yourself and be a model to them”. He is too fat, too...
Crime and Punishment
“Stop”!, “What was she thinking”?, “He deserves to be punished!”… Sometimes children just have to “learn the lesson”… But what “lesson”...
Why should we NOT force our Children to apologize?
We have all been in that situation - we see our child quarreling with another child about a toy, or any other issue, and suddenly our...
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