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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator
Focus on what you can control – YOURSELF!
Remember, you can always control YOUR RESPONSE to a situation, or to your child. How? By preparing ahead of time! 1. Prepare YOUR CHILD...
A misbehaving Child....
"A Misbehaving Child is a Discouraged Child" (Richard Dreikurs) I have written a lot on the importance of ENCOURAGEMENT, and its...
It's about the Relationships in a Family
So many parents ask me about the PRINCIPLES I work with…? Parental coaching is mostly about OUR DAILY LIVES as parents, and about THE...
Does One Size really fits all in Parenting?
Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do. Matt Walsh Breastfeed...
When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chaos. (L.R. Knost) When my child has...
That's how the Light gets in
“There’s a Crack in Everything, that’s how the Light gets in” (Leonard Cohen) Parenting is about looking for, and seeing all the small...
Are "Terrible Twos" that terrible?
What happens to my sweet little baby at age two?!?!? The professional term is “SEPARATION”…. But simply put it, at that age children...
Can we teach Children to be Happy?
5 questions to ask your children to encourage them be more optimistic and confident about life: 1. Tell me something good that happened...
My Parenting Book Recommendations
My Personal parenting Book Recommendations are not all classical “parenting books”, however they are all in tune with what I believe in,...
Help! My Child is Cursing!
4 steps to stop my child from swearing: Lets realize that even if its hideous (or terribly embarrassing or annoying), we have...
“Don't bother educating your Children...."
“Don't bother educating your children, in the end they will be like you. Educate yourself and be a model to them”. He is too fat, too...
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