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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator
Our children are learning about relationships by watching us
Children learn about relationships by observing their parents. Think about your daily interactions with your partner: How do you disagree...
My brother, my best friend....
From the time they are born, our brothers and sisters are our collaborators and co-conspirators, our role models and cautionary tales....
Raising Teenagers
As I am already in the teen years with my 3 boys, I would like to write a few of my personal insights on “RAISING BOYS”…. 1. Boys who are...
A new Baby in the Family...
“Try to imagine a woman whose husband tells her: Honey, I’ve got new better-looking wife coming along, and you’ll be moving to a room...
How does your Child feel at Home?
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou...
Brother's Love
Five ways to build a stronger sibling bond: 1. COOPERATIVE TASKS – Give them joint projects or assignments, like tidy up together, plan a...
Don't make your Children's lives easy
Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy. Robert A. Heinlein We love our children so much, and we certainly want them to...
Sex Education
Smartphones, pornography and violence are unfortunately linked today…. By the end of third grade (age 8) 75% of the Israeli children have...
What do Siblings fight about so much?
They fight over “property” – toys, tablets, the remote control… They fight about space – I was sitting here, this is my spot, this is my...
Raising Boys
I’m a mom of boys, a mother of three boys, with close age gaps. Having a child every 2 years means I haven’t slept through the night for...
How much do your Kids fight?
Siblings from 2 to 4 years old fight every 9.5 minutes, and siblings from 3 to 7 years old fight an average of once every 17 minutes…....
Why should we NOT force our Children to apologize?
We have all been in that situation - we see our child quarreling with another child about a toy, or any other issue, and suddenly our...
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