All parents have parenting differences.

A few guidelines on how to restrain those sometimes-complex situations:
My favorite rule is “one parent / one situation” – Always allow the parent that started a “situation” with a child to finish it, do not intervene.
Do not talk in the heat of the moment – if there is, or was something that bothered you in how your partner handled things, talk about it later, or much later, when you are a little further away and less emotional about it.
Ask questions instead of shouting out affirmations – Be curious and ask your partner what bothers him/her in the child’s behavior? Why he/she reacts this way? What is so upsetting in this situation?
Try to think together about the 3 most important values you would like to instill in your family, and how to apply them in your daily lives – those can become the “set of rules” everyone agrees upon.
Learn about parenting together – Join a parenting class or reach out to a parenting expert together!